Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"The Superficial Dreams versus the Ones Where You Connect to Others"

Wine tasting at a Tuscan Winery today, and we were given the royal treatment. A wine tasting especially for our class. With appetizers and 3 types of very very good red wine and a lesson on wine drinking and selection. We went into the owner's celler surrounded by 25,000 bottles of wine dating from 1879 to today! They are supposed to be one of the most acclaimed wineries in all of Italy. I didn't get drunk, but I was on a strange high.
Today's class was a session on movement and combat. We did work where we needed to communicate through our bodies, we had to be the initiators and the ones to receive. And there were points where we played both roles simultaneously. A lot like performance, like acting, like living, like life itself. 

I'm doing my best to always stay connected and allow Michele's instruction to seep into not just my mind but be felt throughout my body so that its not about remembering what to do but allowing my body to feel the naturality of every movement to allow it to feel that what we are learning was never foreign but that instead it is being reintroduced as something instincual in my movements.

We worked with staff combat and balance and exchange. There was a lot of harmony in our little studio today. 

But what I remembered the most was the relation of dreams with performance. We can easily center our thought on our own individual fantasies, because they are our own, but it also closes off those outside of our minds from connecting with us.  In an ensemble when you must communicate and understand each individual's dream, including your own, there is no rom for the "superficial dream" This is something for KabaBoard 0809 to think about and hold onto for the year ahead. Let it sink in, I'm still allowing it to myself.

On the topic of dreams.

I woke up  this morning and a dream, a stream of thought that was pushed aside in the past three days I have been in Arezzo,  hit me right over the head. I woke up feeling the impact of these thoughts pushed aside, a dream that had caught up with me. I was confronted by the vision of everyone back home. And in that instance I felt overwhelmingly home sick.

It feels like I've been here for days, but its only been three. The excitement, the adventures, the discoveries, the intriguing and extraordinary people, the new environment the freshness of it all was shielding me from my insides. Everything has been fast forward up until this moment where my connection to this dream made me press STOP.

I turned on my computer and it was 1130pm at home. So many friends, family, were online. I messaged Michelle to connect on Meebo with me, she linked me and two small screens flashed on my monitor. One revealed my own anxious face and the other had Michelle, Pia, Kim and Wes with the exclamation of "We can see her! We can see you!"

My emotions flooded over me. I could barely speak even though I had so much to say. I miss everyone so much. I know, you guys tell me when I speak to you that I should just be focusing on my trip. I'm in Italy. 

And I am. I realize I am in ITALY!

But how could I ever allow this to be something to move my attention from you. I think about everything on my trip in relation to all of you. ALWAYS. Because even though this is a once in a lifetime experience, you are the ones that have built and continue to make up my lifetime.

1 comment: said...

=]. You're in Italy...soak in every moment and tell me stories you can't find the time to blog about. I'm excited for your return in 5 weeks. :)