Every now and then while your waiting for a train to arrive there will be performers and some of them are absolutely incredible, there are singers, break dancers, violinists, bands and so many more. I look around and some people are not amused by the performers, and I think to myself, "was your day so bad that you did not see the beauty in that?"
Today a beautiful voice filled the subway line at 53rd and 5th Ave. An older man with his back leaned against the tiles of the subway wall, with a guitar in his lap and with passion in his face, sang these words:
"I have climbed the highest mountain. I have run through the fields. Only to be with you. I have run. I have crawled. And I have scaled these city walls. Only to be with you. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I have kissed honey lips. Felt the healing in her fingertips. It burned like fire, this burning desire. I have spoke with the tongue of angels. I have held the hand of a devil. It was warm in the night. I was cold as stone. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I believe in the Kingdom Come. There all the colors will bleed into one. But yes I'm still running. You broke the bonds. You loosened the chains. You carried the cross. And my shame. You know I believed it.
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for."
This was right after I had left church and I just felt so much emotion from it. I think everyone comes to New York City trying to find something, maybe they know exactly what it is, or maybe they thought they knew but eventually realized there is so much more to aspire for.
Lately, I have been thinking about how happy I'll be when my time in New York is over and I can come back home. But I realized I cannot come home without feeling satisfied about the mark that New York City has made on me and that I have made on it.
I want to experience everything that I can while I'm out here, so, lately I've been just exploring the city and discovering the different feels of each borough and observing the people and the surroundings.
Every time I get off that subway I feel like I'm transported into another world, New York has so many environments to uncover and trudge through. $89 a month gives me access to unlimited adventure! And I couldn't be more excited for each day I get my butt up and go on an expedition.
Only thing missing, is all of you to share it with.
Some days I love the subway, and I can't wait until you all visit and we can let it transport us to amazing places and new adventures!

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