Friday, May 4, 2012

Where I Am From (Reprise)

Where I am From (Reprise)

Where I am from we have a
Sense of unity through music and food
Even though we have different names for
The same things
(Give examples)

And where I am from you walk down the street
And everyone says “Hi!”
(The students say hi as one of the characters they have played)
And we kiss on the cheek
And Spanish is what we speak
And everyone is your auntie when you meet them
Where I am from we are family

Where I am from

Mama Tingo is a Hero
Lolita Lebron is a Hero
Pedro Pietri  is a Hero
Pancho Villa is a Hero

And we sing to 
Vicente Fernandez
And don’t care

Where I am from we don’t need tanning salons
We are born with the color some guidos desire
Where I am from school is a privilege 
Not just a responsibility
Where I am from my mother say llurena
Where I am from my mother and father
Cried and sweat and hoped
For a better life
Where I am from, they built 
A better life
And where I am from I do not forget 
Where my roots start

Where I am from we are empowered
Where I am from we are a multi cultural community
Where I am from we are in search of justice
Where I am from we are the voice of our community
Where I am from we are united

This is where we are from
Here we stand
Aqui Nos Mantenemos Unidos

El Puente
El Puente
Es la Gente
El Puente
Palente Siempre Palante